Dayton, Ohio
2021 STEAMa Schedule
An experience highlighting the science and environmental connections to the
game of golf.
Saturday Morning’s/ June 5th - June 26th
Kids, age 8-18, 10 Selected from the Wesley Center
Yankee Trace Golf Club. 10000 Yankee Street. Centerville, Ohio
8:00am- 8:50am-
Continental Breakfast
9:00am - 9:50am-
STEAMA Conversation
Driving Range/Putting Green -
(Instructors: Julian Jeter-Davis & Matt Lay, PGA)
June 5 - Golf Club & Golf Ball Technology: History Materials Science – Carter Rich, USGA
June 7 – Field Trip - US Open Final Qualifying – Springfield CC, Springfield, OH
June 12 - Aerodynamics/ The Science of Flight - Alex Yeazel, PGA – Trackman
June 16 - Field Trip, Clearview Golf Club. 8410 Lincoln St SE. East Canton, OH 44730 – Renee Powell, PGA
June 19 - Soils Science, Terry Taylor Yankee Trace Superintendent with support from other Local Chapter Members of GCSAA.
June 26 - Energy & Conservation, Representative and visit DP & L Solar Farm.
Greg Albright
2021 STEAMa Schedule
An experience highlighting the science and environmental connections to the game of
Saturday Morning’s/ June 19th - July 24th
Students, age 8-18, 10
Langston Golf Course 2600 Benning Rd NE, Washington, DC 20002 & Rock Creek Golf
Course 6100 16th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20011Yankee Street. Centerville, Ohio
8am- 8:50am-
Continental Breakfast
9am - 10am-
STEMa Conversation
Driving Range/Putting Green -
June 19 -
T to G: Orienteering, Grass types and use, Green Slope, and speed calculations.
June 26 -
T to G: Golf Club Engineering. Moment of inertia, club face, center of gravity,alignment, and loft angle. Make your own putter and efficiency testing. Using the Design Cycle.
July 10 -
T to G: Sustainability in Golf. Nature, Communities and Resources. Exploring Wildlife on the Course. Support and safety.
July 17 -
Flight Scope Swing Analysis (club head speed, ball speed, smash factor, vertical launch angle, spin, apex height and flight time.) Students matched with Howard University Golf Team Players to analyze ball striking.
July 24 -
T to G: Golf Course Architecture. From Creation to Completion.
June 26 -
T to G: Exploring Wildlife on the Course. Sustain, support and safety.
Greg Albright