
Our Instructor

Bring ideas to life

     Thank you for your support and contribution!!!

Individual Supporters

Brett Battjer^^^

Dr. Lezli Baskerville, Esq

Charles Bragg

 Michele Brown 

Cheryl Campbell

Lynnewood Campbell

Stanley Campbell

 John Cappozzi

Jean Ann Cappozzi 

Roy "Chip" Ellis

Andrew Frank

 Laura Gross

Robert A. Harris 

David Henderson^^

Raymond Hicks

 Keith James ^^

Mrs. Jacqueline D. Lawrence

James Lawrence, Jr

 Houcine Makis

Dr. Alonzo Patterson

Todd Rogers

James & Debra Schiff 

 Maggie Slovik 

Casey Stringer

Randy Wade 

Gregory D. Winfree

John Woodland 

Your support keeps our programs for youth and for the community going. 

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