Over the course of 90 minutes students will rotate through learning stations covering topics such as soil and plant science, golf course ecology, testing water quality, and various math calculations using actual problems golf course superintendents need to solve on a daily basis.
Working with golf course superintendents we will help students apply their classroom knowledge in an outdoor setting and through an understanding how STEM concepts can have real-world applications allowing students to find added inspiration in their schoolwork and in the possibility of a career in a STEM field or golf.
Washington, D.C. |
The First Green Schedule
2021 Schedule
Rock Creek Golf Park
6100 16th Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, October 13th @
3:45 PM- 5:15 PM
Langston Golf Course
2600 Benning Road N.E., Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, October 27th @
4:30 PM- 5:45 PM
Program Locations
Program Contact
Greg Albright